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A novel method for dissolving proteins which are not readily soluble in aqueous buffer

by IPR Cell


The present invention relates to a novel method for dissolving proteins which are not readily soluble in aqueous buffer at specific range of pH. The invention more specifically relates to a simple method which maintains the properties of casein and also keeps it dissolved in a wide range of pH. Casein and its hydrolysates have been dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and its pH brought down. An alkaline PBS is made by dissolving PBS in alkaline base. Then casein or casein hydrolysates powder is added to the buffer. The solution is heated gently and stirred with a glass rod at regular intervals. The sample is then brought to ambient temperature and pH is brought down by using acid. While bringing down the pH care is taken that there is proper mixing and there is no accumulation of acid at one single point.



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