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Leaf protein concentrate based novel functional food to combat malnutrition and anaemia and process for the preparation thereof

by IPR Cell


The present invention provides a functional food composition with specific combination of multiple nutrients comprising leaf protein concentrate obtained from underutilized parts of agri-horticulture wastes like leaves and residual parts of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea), cabbage (Brassica oleracea), radish (Raphanus sativus), turnip (Brassica rapa), carrot (Daucus carota), beet root (Beta vulgaris) fortified with natural vitamins and iron derived from green leafy vegetables such as but not limited to spinach (Spinacia oleracea), mustard (Brassica campestris), bathua (Chenopodium album), Chaulai (Amaranthus species) and drumstick (Moringa oleifera). The product can be used in different forms such as nutraceutical, functional food, designer or medical foods to combat malnutrition and anemia. It can also be used as food supplement in the form of powder, granules and biscuits or directly by adding jaggery to impart sweetness in the form of porridge.



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