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A rapid, inexpensive and chemical method for testing of blood group and a kit for the same

by IPR Cell


The present invention provides a rapid and inexpensive method for blood group testing and a kit for the same. The kit includes the use of two different chemical reagents, sodium periodate and/or conc. hydrochloric acid and Benedict’s reagent, which recognize human blood group specific A-antigens and B- antigen respectively. Sodium periodate detects the ‘A’ blood group as it reacts only with the terminal n-acetyl galactosamine residue and causes agglutination of blood cells. Benedict’s reagent reacts with only at the terminal galactose residue giving a pale red colour in case of the ‘B’ blood group. Due to the presence of both terminal n-acetyl galactosamine and terminal galactose residue in the case of ‘AB’ blood group, there is reaction with both the residues. Therefore there is both agglutination and a pale red colour due to the reaction with both the residues. Since ‘O’ group lacks glycoproteins, it reacts neither to sodium periodate nor Benedict’s solution. The invention provides a quick, simple and inexpensive method for the identification of blood group.



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